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Hybrid Flooring

Hybrid Flooring

Hybrid flooring is also known as hybrid vinyl flooring or hybrid laminate flooring. It is made of multiple blended materials like combinations of plastic, limestone, or wood. It comprises four layers: the UV coating/protective layer, Aesthetic layer, core layer, and pre-adhered layer.

There are many reasons why hybrid flooring is gaining popularity. Firstly it is durable, water and temperature resistant. Therefore it is the optimum option for commercial and residential areas where foot traffic is extreme. Secondly, the installation process is straightforward and hassle-free; removal and replacement are also reasonably clear. Thirdly, the cleaning process is pretty straightforward and there are no water seepage issues as the floors are waterproof. Lastly, they are an affordable option as they are considerably cheaper than other flooring solutions. It is a sustainable and eco-friendly option as it doesn’t require materials with a high carbon footprint.

If you’re looking for superior quality hybrid flooring in Sydney, New Style Carpets and Flooring would be your best choice. Book an appointment with us to know more!

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